Katy Perry picture #18269

Please help us and describe in few words what you see on this pic. Please finish the sentence - Katy Perry is

91120644_016.jpg 91120665_01_billboard.jpg 91120673_02_billboard.jpg 91120679_03_billboard.jpg 91120683_04_billboard.jpg
91120685_05_billboard.jpg 91120691_06_gman_turtle.jpg 91120697_07_gman_turtle.jpg 91301086_239646_001.jpg 91301121_239646_002.jpg
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Veiw all 2109 pictures of Katy Perry
id : 18269
name : 91120665_01_billboard.jpg
Uploaded : 2011-01-08 06:43:46
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Veiw all 2109 pictures of
Katy Perry

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